Event Director API [BETA]

This API allows you to sign in, and to retrieve event, category, and registration data for your events.

Download a sample client written in VB.NET .


All requests should be POST requests directed to[MethodName].

Parameters should be supplied in a JSON format, with a content type of "application/json", i.e.

  "username": "myusername",
  "password": "mypassword"

For legacy reasons, responses are in a escaped JSON format, so depending on your tools, you may need to deserialize twice to get an object you can manipulate. Alternatively, you can also add ?escaped=false to the request to disable this "functionality."

            "PromoterLoginResult":"{\"Status\":\"1\", \"promoterID\": \"2547\", \"authToken\":\"5bfda46a-c6d6-4ddc-9eda-4e9ec5138c12\"}"
Some response objects have a lot of fields -- documentation for ones we expect to be relevant to you can be found below.


Get an authorization token that you'll need for any other request.
Parameter Notes
username Not case-sensitive
password Case sensitive
Status 1 for success, -1 for failure
authToken An authorization token that's good for 24 hours. You'll need to supply a valid token with any other API request.


Returns an array of all future events in this event director's account. You will also get events that this director is an additional user on, provided their permissions include ADMIN or DATADOWNLOAD.
Parameter Notes
token An authToken value returned from a prior PromoterLogin call.
Event Name
Event ID You'll use this to look up other attributes for this event.


Returns an array of all categories in a given event Endpoint:
Parameter Notes
token An authToken value returned from a prior PromoterLogin call.
eventID The event to retrieve categories for.
Category Name
Race ID A unique identifier for this category.
Entry Fee


Returns an array of all merchandise in a given event Endpoint:
Parameter Notes
token An authToken value returned from a prior PromoterLogin call.
eventID The event to retrieve categories for.
Merch Title The name of the merchandise, i.e. "T-shirt"
Merchandise Items An array of sizes or options that are the actual items being selected on the registration page, i.e. "Women's Medium"
Merchandise Item Properties
Merch Price The price of this option
Merch Detail Desc A description of this option, i.e. "Medium"
Merch Detail ID The ID of this merch detail, which will match the RaceID properties of an Entry object when the Entry's transaction type is "Merch"


Returns an all registrations in a given event Endpoint:
Parameter Notes
token An authToken value returned from a prior PromoterLogin call.
eventID The event to retrieve entries for.
startDate Optional. A date in Eastern Time to only return entries registered after
endDate Optional. A date in Eastern Time to only return entries registered before
Category Name The category this registration is for
TransactionType Either the string 'Reg' or 'Merch', indicating the type of event item this entry is for
RaceID If the transaction type is 'Reg', this is the RaceID of the category this entry is in.
If the transaction type is 'Merch,' this is the MerchDetailID of the merchandise item this entry is for.
UserInfo A collection of attributes (Name, Team, Address, DOB, Emergency Contact, etc) about this registration.