Canada Man / Canada Woman and XTRI SOLO POINT FIVE » Knowledge Base » New Event Director

athleteReg Service Fees

It's free for event directors to use athleteReg online registration platforms. Service fees are charged by athleteReg for each registration. The event director does have the option to cover all or part of the service fee.

ahleteReg charges a service fee for each registration. Most event event directors pass this fee on to participants, but they can choose to cover all or some of the fee. 

Service fee structure:

The service charge depends on the entry fee and consists of a base fee plus a percentage that spans specific price points. The table below shows our service fee structure. If you would like the service fee for a specific entry fee, send us an email to [email protected], and we can give you the exact service fee.


Entry Fee

Service Fee

Tier 1


6.5% + $1.25

Tier 2


6.0% + $1.25

Tier 3

$300 +

3.0% + $8.75

Merchandise and Donations

